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Chapter 55’s membership has grown to 160+ members.  Licking County has over 16,000 Veterans. Eligibility to be a member of the V.V.A. is anyone who meets the definition of a Veteran and served in the time period from 5 August 1964 through 7 May 1975.


For more information on how to join our Chapter, please call 740-641-4616 or 740-334-2343 or email

White House hotline for veterans’ complaints. The hotline opened yesterday and is expected to be fully operational by Aug. 15, 2017. The hotline’s phone number is 855-948-2311. An automated greeting welcomes callers to the “White House-VA veteran complaint hotline.” It is currently only operational weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT, and is closed on federal holidays, but is expected to be manned 24/7 by mid-August.



APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP:  Return to: Vietnam Veterans of America, 394 Catalina Drive, Newark, OH 43055


Name____________________________________________________________   Male  Female   Date of Birth_________




Chapter No. (optional) ______Home Phone (      ) ______________________email_____________________________________


  LIFE MEMBERSHIP DUES: $100  Payment Method:  Check    Money order    Visa   Mastercard    American Express     Discover                                      


                    Credit Card Number____________________________________Exp. Date________________                                   


Signature_________________________________________________________________Date ___________


Eligibility: Membership is open to U.S. armed forces veterans who served on active duty (for other than training purposes) in the Republic of Vietnam between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975, or in any duty location between August 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975.


New members and new life members must submit a copy of their DD-214 along with this application and dues payment. Already a  member of Chapter 55?  Please Mark as Chapter 55

AVVA Lifetime Membership is $100 for 65 Years or older and $175 younger


This is really sobering.  First click on a state.  When it opens, scroll down to the city where you went to high school and look at the names.  Click on the name and it will give details of the person's death, a picture or at least their bio and medals. This really is an amazing web site.  Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it. I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country. Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose names are listed.  


From Nam to Normal:

Battle of the Demons

by Richard A. Price

This is Richard A. Price's personal memoir with an outward focus, From Nam to Normal: Battle of the Demons a tool to help other Vietnam veterans to examine their lives through articles, definitions, and his personal stories of both war and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) management. Using his experiences, strategies, and successes, Price leads veterans of war on the long march to a normal life


For information on how to purchase this book please call 740-258-4341


Women Veterans Hotline

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is proud to announce the launch of its new women Veterans hotline-1-855-VA-WOMEN-an incoming call center to receive and respond to questions from Veterans, their families and caregivers, about the many VA services and resources available to women Veterans.


The hotline is staffed by knowledgeable women VA employees who can provide information about benefits and health care services for women. Callers can be linked to information on claims, education or health care appointments as well as information about VA cemeteries and memorial benefits. Hotline staff can also answer urgent questions and provide referrals to homeless and mental health services as well as provide Vet Center information.


For more information, please visit



Please click on this button to watch this Veterans Initiative Program documentary called "Once Enemies" about Vietnamese and American Vietnam Veterans coming together to help find the MIA's from both sides!

Chapter 55 Past Newsletters - Please click to read



VVA Chapter 55 Newsletters Mar-Apr 2016

VVA 55 Newsletter Jan-Feb 2017
VVA 55 Newsletter Mar-Apr 2017
VVA Chapter 55 Newsletter May-Jun 2016
VVA_55Newsletter Jul-Aug 2016
VVA Chapter 55 Newsletter Sept-Oct 2016
VVA Chapter 55 Newsletter Nov-Dec 2016
VVA 55 Newsletter May-Jun 2017

VVA 55 Newsletter Jul - Aug 2017

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